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Die Aaseehotels Münster

innenstadtnah und idyllisch.

Kleines modernes Hotel, ruhig am See gelegen und doch fußläufig zur Innenstadt.

Bismarckallee 47 | 48151 Münster
Zum SeeZeit Hotel

persönlich und individuell.

Modernes Tagungshotel am oberen Ende des Sees, ganz nah an der Promenade. Hier starten Sie den Tag mit Blick in die Natur und sind ruckzuck in Münsters lebendiger Innenstadt.

Bismarckallee 5 | 48151 Münster
Zum agora Hotel


We look forward to welcoming you! Book now.
We look forward to welcoming you! Book now.
We look forward to welcoming you! Book now.

Activities in and around Münster

The agora: am Aasee is close to the city and at the same time in an idyllic location on Lake Aa; the recreational area in the middle of Münster. Not only do we provide the ideal rooms for a conference, but also an ideal starting point for a variety of activities in the art and culture scene as well as for nature excursions.